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2018 Tsounis G, Edmunds PJ, Bramanti L, Gambrel B, Lasker HR. Variability of size structure and species composition in Caribbean octocoral communities under contrasting environmental conditions. Marine Biology 165:29
2017 Viladrich N, Bramanti L, Tsounis G, Martínez-Quintana A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Rossi S. Variation of lipid and free fatty acid contents during larval release in two temperate octocorals according to their trophic strategy. Marine Ecology Progress Series 573:117–128
2017 Tsounis G, Edmunds PJ. Three decades of coral reef community dynamics in St. John, US Virgin Islands: a contrast of scleractinians and octocorals. ESA Ecosphere 8(1) DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.1646
2016 Viladrich N, Bramanti L, Tsounis G, Martínez-Quintana A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Isla E, Rossi S. Variation of lipid and free fatty acid contents during larval release in two temperate octocorals according to trophic strategy. Marine Ecology Progress Series 573:117–128
2016 Tsounis G, Edmunds PJ. The potential for self-seeding and dispersal of Pocillopora spp. in Moorea, French Polynesia. PeerJ, 4, p.e2544.
2016 Galli G, Bramanti L, Priori C, Rossi C, Santangelo S, Tsounis G, Solidoro C. Modelling red coral (Corallium rubrum) growth in response to temperature and nutrition. Ecological Modelling 337 (2016) 137–148
2016 Viladrich N, Bramanti L, Tsounis G, Chocarro B, Martinez-Quintana A, Ambroso S, Madurell T, Rossi S. Energetic resource allocation in reproduction for two temperate octocorals with contrasting reproductive strategies: surface versus internal brooder. Coral Reefs, 35: 1033. DOI 10.1007/s00338-016-1440-1
2016 Edmunds PJ, Tsounis G, Lasker H. Differential distribution of scleractinians and octocorals around St. John and St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Hydrobiologia 767:347–360
2014 Bramanti L, Vielmini I, Rossi S, Tsounis G, Iannelli M, Cattaneo-Vietti R, Priori, C Santangelo, G. Demographic parameters of two populations of red coral (Corallium rubrum L. 1758) in the North Western Mediterranean. Marine Biology 161:1015–1026
2014 Riegl B, Tsounis G. Editorial overview: Coral reef sustainability and its Challenges. In: Aquatic and marine systems:. Tsounis, G, Riegl B (editors). Current Opinion of Environmental Sustainability 7:1–4
2013 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Bramanti L, Santangelo G. Management hurdles in the sustainable management of Corallium rubrum. Marine Policy 39:361–364
2013 Quintanilla E, Gili JM, Lopez-Gonzalez PJ, Tsounis G, Madurell T, Fiorillo I, Rossi S. Sexual reproductive cycle of the epibiotic soft coral Alcyonium coralloides (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Aquatic Biology 18:113–124
2012 Santangelo G, Bramanti L, Rossi S, Tsounis G, Vielmini I, Lott C, Gili JM. Patterns of variation in recruitment and post-recruitment processes of the Mediterranean precious gorgonian coral Corallium rubrum, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 411:7–13
2011 Tsounis G, Martinez L, Rossi S, Viladrich N, Bramanti L, Martinez A, Gili JM. Effects of human impact on the reproductive effort and allocation of energy reserves in the Mediterranean octocoral Paramuricea clavata. Marine Ecological Progress Series 449:161–172
2011 Orejas, Ferrier-Pages C, Reynaud S, Tsounis G, Allemand D, Gili JM. Experimental measurement of growth rates in tropical and cold water scleractinian corals. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology 405:1–5
2011 Benedetti A, Bramanti L, Tsounis G, Faimali M, Rossi S, Vielmini I, Pavanello G, Gili J.M, Santangelo G. Evaluation of cathodically polarized artificial substrata for red coral restoration. Biofouling, 27:799–809
2011 Orejas C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Gori A, Beraud E, Tsounis G, Allemand D, Gili JM. Long-term growth rates of four Mediterranean cold-water coral species maintained in aquaria. Marine Ecology Progress Series 429:57–65
2010 Deidun A, Tsounis G, Balzan F, Micallef A. Record of the presence of black coral in the Maltese Islands, and description of precious coral fishing activities. Marine Biological Records (online), doi: 10.1017/S1755267210000709
2010 Tsounis G, Orejas C, Reynaud, Gili JM, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pages C. Prey Capture rates by four Mediterranean Cold Water Corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 398:149–155
2010 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Grigg RW, Santangelo G, Bramanti L, Gili JM. The Exploitation and Conservation of Precious Corals. Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review 48:161–212
2007 Rossi S, Tsounis G, Padrón T, Orejas C, Gili JM, Bramanti L, Teixidor N, Gutt J. Survey of deep-dwelling red coral (Corallium rubrum) populations at Cap de Creus (NW Mediterranean). Marine Biology 154:533–545
2007 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Gili JM, Arntz WE. Red coral fishery at the Costa Brava (NW Mediterranean): Case study of an overharvested precious coral. Ecosystems 10: 975-986
2007 Rossi S, Tsounis G. Temporal and spatial variation in protein, carbohydrate, and lipid levels in Corallium rubrum (anthozoa, octocorallia). Marine Biology 152:429–439
2007 Bramanti L, Rossi S, Tsounis G, Gili JM, Santangelo G. Settlement and early survival of red coral on settlement plates: some clues for demography and restoration. Hydrobiologia 580:219–224
2006 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Gili JM, Arntz WE. Population structure of an exploited benthic cnidarian: The case study of red coral (Corallium rubrum L.). Marine Biology 149:1059–1070
2006 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Laudien J, Bramanti L, Fernández N, Gili JM, Arntz WE. Diet and seasonal prey capture rates in the Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum L.). Marine Biology 149:313–325
2006 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Aranguren M, Gili JM, Arntz WE. Effects of spatial variability and colony size on the reproductive output and gonadal development cycle of the Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum L.) Marine Biology 148:513–527
2001 Montagnes D, Kimmance S, Tsounis G, Gumbs C. The combined effects of temperature and food concentration on the grazing rate in the Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Marine Biology 129:975–979
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2018 Tsounis G, Edmunds PJ, Bramanti L, Gambrel B, Lasker HR. Variability of size structure and species composition in Caribbean octocoral communities under contrasting environmental conditions. Marine Biology 165:29
2017 Viladrich N, Bramanti L, Tsounis G, Martínez-Quintana A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Rossi S. Variation of lipid and free fatty acid contents during larval release in two temperate octocorals according to their trophic strategy. Marine Ecology Progress Series 573:117–128
2017 Tsounis G, Edmunds PJ. Three decades of coral reef community dynamics in St. John, US Virgin Islands: a contrast of scleractinians and octocorals. ESA Ecosphere 8(1) DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.1646
2016 Viladrich N, Bramanti L, Tsounis G, Martínez-Quintana A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Isla E, Rossi S. Variation of lipid and free fatty acid contents during larval release in two temperate octocorals according to trophic strategy. Marine Ecology Progress Series 573:117–128
2016 Tsounis G, Edmunds PJ. The potential for self-seeding and dispersal of Pocillopora spp. in Moorea, French Polynesia. PeerJ, 4, p.e2544.
2016 Galli G, Bramanti L, Priori C, Rossi C, Santangelo S, Tsounis G, Solidoro C. Modelling red coral (Corallium rubrum) growth in response to temperature and nutrition. Ecological Modelling 337 (2016) 137–148
2016 Viladrich N, Bramanti L, Tsounis G, Chocarro B, Martinez-Quintana A, Ambroso S, Madurell T, Rossi S. Energetic resource allocation in reproduction for two temperate octocorals with contrasting reproductive strategies: surface versus internal brooder. Coral Reefs, 35: 1033. DOI 10.1007/s00338-016-1440-1
2016 Edmunds PJ, Tsounis G, Lasker H. Differential distribution of scleractinians and octocorals around St. John and St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Hydrobiologia 767:347–360
2014 Bramanti L, Vielmini I, Rossi S, Tsounis G, Iannelli M, Cattaneo-Vietti R, Priori, C Santangelo, G. Demographic parameters of two populations of red coral (Corallium rubrum L. 1758) in the North Western Mediterranean. Marine Biology 161:1015–1026
2014 Riegl B, Tsounis G. Editorial overview: Coral reef sustainability and its Challenges. In: Aquatic and marine systems:. Tsounis, G, Riegl B (editors). Current Opinion of Environmental Sustainability 7:1–4
2013 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Bramanti L, Santangelo G. Management hurdles in the sustainable management of Corallium rubrum. Marine Policy 39:361–364
2013 Quintanilla E, Gili JM, Lopez-Gonzalez PJ, Tsounis G, Madurell T, Fiorillo I, Rossi S. Sexual reproductive cycle of the epibiotic soft coral Alcyonium coralloides (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea). Aquatic Biology 18:113–124
2012 Santangelo G, Bramanti L, Rossi S, Tsounis G, Vielmini I, Lott C, Gili JM. Patterns of variation in recruitment and post-recruitment processes of the Mediterranean precious gorgonian coral Corallium rubrum, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 411:7–13
2011 Tsounis G, Martinez L, Rossi S, Viladrich N, Bramanti L, Martinez A, Gili JM. Effects of human impact on the reproductive effort and allocation of energy reserves in the Mediterranean octocoral Paramuricea clavata. Marine Ecological Progress Series 449:161–172
2011 Orejas, Ferrier-Pages C, Reynaud S, Tsounis G, Allemand D, Gili JM. Experimental measurement of growth rates in tropical and cold water scleractinian corals. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology 405:1–5
2011 Benedetti A, Bramanti L, Tsounis G, Faimali M, Rossi S, Vielmini I, Pavanello G, Gili J.M, Santangelo G. Evaluation of cathodically polarized artificial substrata for red coral restoration. Biofouling, 27:799–809
2011 Orejas C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Gori A, Beraud E, Tsounis G, Allemand D, Gili JM. Long-term growth rates of four Mediterranean cold-water coral species maintained in aquaria. Marine Ecology Progress Series 429:57–65
2010 Deidun A, Tsounis G, Balzan F, Micallef A. Record of the presence of black coral in the Maltese Islands, and description of precious coral fishing activities. Marine Biological Records (online), doi: 10.1017/S1755267210000709
2010 Tsounis G, Orejas C, Reynaud, Gili JM, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pages C. Prey Capture rates by four Mediterranean Cold Water Corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 398:149–155
2010 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Grigg RW, Santangelo G, Bramanti L, Gili JM. The Exploitation and Conservation of Precious Corals. Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review 48:161–212
2007 Rossi S, Tsounis G, Padrón T, Orejas C, Gili JM, Bramanti L, Teixidor N, Gutt J. Survey of deep-dwelling red coral (Corallium rubrum) populations at Cap de Creus (NW Mediterranean). Marine Biology 154:533–545
2007 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Gili JM, Arntz WE. Red coral fishery at the Costa Brava (NW Mediterranean): Case study of an overharvested precious coral. Ecosystems 10: 975-986
2007 Rossi S, Tsounis G. Temporal and spatial variation in protein, carbohydrate, and lipid levels in Corallium rubrum (anthozoa, octocorallia). Marine Biology 152:429–439
2007 Bramanti L, Rossi S, Tsounis G, Gili JM, Santangelo G. Settlement and early survival of red coral on settlement plates: some clues for demography and restoration. Hydrobiologia 580:219–224
2006 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Gili JM, Arntz WE. Population structure of an exploited benthic cnidarian: The case study of red coral (Corallium rubrum L.). Marine Biology 149:1059–1070
2006 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Laudien J, Bramanti L, Fernández N, Gili JM, Arntz WE. Diet and seasonal prey capture rates in the Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum L.). Marine Biology 149:313–325
2006 Tsounis G, Rossi S, Aranguren M, Gili JM, Arntz WE. Effects of spatial variability and colony size on the reproductive output and gonadal development cycle of the Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum L.) Marine Biology 148:513–527
2001 Montagnes D, Kimmance S, Tsounis G, Gumbs C. The combined effects of temperature and food concentration on the grazing rate in the Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Marine Biology 129:975–979